ITV interview at Tintern Abbey cottage

ITV interview at Tintern Abbey cottage

ITV Wales at Tintern Abbey Cottage on VAT

ITV Wales at Tintern Abbey Cottage on VAT

Kevin Adams GMTV Boot Camp at Tintern Abbey Cottage

Kevin Adams GMTV Boot Camp at Tintern Abbey Cottage

First Minister of Wales, Regimental Goat and Olympic torch in Monmouth

Presented to first Minister of Wales, Regimental Goat and Olympic torch in Monmouth

What the papers say about us –

We  are often mentioned in the press – we cant possibly list all those mentions here.  We are also used as a filming location quite often- its the view that does it!  But sometimes the mentions  are  extra super and we are proud that Foxes Reach was recommended in The Times Newspaper Travel section in November 2002 and again in September 2005.

Monmouthshire Cottages were recommended as “home from home for you and your pet “in The Lady in 2009

Vanilla Cottage was recommended in The Times in February 2007 and Tintern Abbey Cottage in 2013

We were chosen for a GMTV film crew  base and  4 dieters who stayed with us for an entire week whilst doing an amazing amount of tough exercise and a severe diet regime. They filmed all around the area and  we enjoyed having them and watching them each morning on the TV. Not sure how much  time the dieters had to enjoy Tintern Abbey Cottage. They said they were grateful for the spa bath, comfy chairs and good beds. Poor things were always worn out and half starved but it certainly worked and they looked great at the end of the week! Put us all to shame!

We were the base for an ITV film crew recording a piece about VAT for ITV Wales. Interviewed us too.

When we won the National Tourism Awards Best Place to Stay  in Wales we were besieged with cameras. See the little movie below which was shown at our very own Oscars night.

When the Olympic Torch entered Wales  at  Monmouth we were invited to be there in the VIP area. Along with the Olympic torchbearer,  the First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones, oh yes- and the Regimental Goat  !

In January 2015  it was confirmed that we were the only accommodation business in the final of the category for Best Visitor Welcome.  This led to quite a lot of press comment across South Wales and Gloucestershire. And yes. We were proud to win the Gold.

The same journalists came back in 2018 when we won Best Self Catering. (One of them thought  his office had made a mistake  as its not normal to win twice- but he took great photos!)

In 2018 The Independent kindly remarked that our Tintern Abbey Cottage was a great place to stay with a lovely “back garden”. No mention of the incredible view at the front but hey ho!

In 2020 we again won best Self catering in South East Wales which sends us forward to the National Finals where we must compete with the best from West, Mid, and North Wales. the South Wales Argus gave us a great write up !

Following COVID lockdowns  in 2021 we were finally able to welcome back a journalist from Dog Friendly/Pet Friendly magazine.She came with her dog Buster and  throughly enjoyed her stay. They gave us a brilliant  write up and also mentioned all the many places we recommend our guests visit and enjoy – so it was very well balanced and particularly helpful to readers.

In Autumn 2021 the prestigious National Geographic Magazine was in Tintern and called unexpectedly on our service.  Fabulous to be mentioned as a quality place to stay. Thank you!

January 2022 and The Guardian Newspaper listed us as a Top Ten place to rent for June 2022!

2023 and Dog Friendly magazine gave us a glowing write up!

We made it to the finals of the best Place to stay in Monmouthshire and Torfaen and the local papers gave another warm review!




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